Monday, August 21, 2006

I've not thought of a title yet

This is an exploration in grammar: not the grammar of grade school slapping us on the wrist or the grammar of copyeditors relentlessly standardizing, agonizing over that which seems minute and mutely chastizing us with each stroke of red pencil, but an exploration of a system that both connects and allows us to define ourselves as individuals. We all speak according to a certain grammar, whether we recognize it or not, whether we can explain it or not. Thanks in part to these grammars, we are each capable of uttering and understanding an infinite amount of sentences. There is literally no limit to what we might say, and this chaos of possibility is made possible by grammar's underlying order: we are free because of the rules and not in spite of them. Grammar is social, uniting friends and families and towns and cities and regions. And it is personal, the seam along which our inner worlds and our outer selves meet.

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