Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I hope you weren't expecting too much...

...from my first post in almost 7 months, which also happens to my first post-law school post...

because here's what I have to say: the other night I dreamed that I slept through my contracts class two days in a row. not that I went to class and fell asleep, but that I took a nap before class and just slept right through it.

this sounds like a typical anxiety dream except that a) my anxiety dreams are usually about forgetting to wear shoes to important events, and b) I am pretty sure this is related to the time last week when I fell asleep on BART and woke up at the airport (ask me about it! it's a good story).

but the real reason I think this is worth sharing is the mise-en-abyme effect of dreaming about sleeping. in my dreamt nap, what was I dreaming about? and what about the idea that maybe the self you think is a dream is awake and dreaming the self you think is awake -- are those two selves now interchangeable for me?

and furthermore, is my subconscious really that unimaginative that all it can generate is a copy of what I'm already doing? am I that nap-starved? is this the best my fantasy glands can do?

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